February 10, 2016
Subaru Liberty/Outback Hiclone petrol saver review

Subaru Liberty/Outback Hiclone petrol saver review more power & fewer lt per 100km with Hiclone. Subaru Liberty/Outback, no matter what year, petrol or LPG, you'll get more power/torque & use fewer litres per 100km  with our products helping you to reduce fuel prices. 04 3863 9594 Use our fuel economy calculator to see what your […]

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February 9, 2016
Prado Tdi Review Hiclone More Power/Torque Better Fuel Combustion

Prado Tdi review Hiclone fuel saver for more power/torque & better fuel combustion, your fuel prices can be reduced, fuel efficient cars & 4X4’s can be achieved. 04 3863 9594 Try our fuel efficiency Calculator to see what your getting from your fuel, it could surprise you.

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February 5, 2016
Pajero NJ, NM, NP, NS, NW, NX Fuel Economy Hiclone Improved

Mitsubishi Pajero NJ, NM, NP, NS, NW, NX Fuel economy improved using Hiclone fuel saver. Fuel efficient cars & 4X4's easy to achieve. Petrol or Tdi, you'll increase power/torque & get better fuel combustion using Hiclone or your money back. 04 3863 9594  Try the fuel cost Calculator it will help you to work out […]

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February 3, 2016
1HZ Landcruiser Troopy Excessively under powered & poor Fuel Economy.

 Landcruiser 1HZ Troopy, K&N air filter & Hiclone fuel saver will greatly improve power & fuel economy and helps the environment. 1x Hiclone achieved 17% better fuel economy, 2x units gave it 24%, Hiclones tested by the Australian 4X4 magazine on a 1HZ Landcruiser, we get similar results with petrol, diesel, Tdi and LPG. 04 […]

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February 3, 2016
Grey Nomads hurt by fuel prices, Hiclones are the solution to reduce fuel costs.

Grey Nomads hurt by high fuel prices, Hiclone fuel saver is an environmental solution to reduce fuel costs.  You know that Towing  Caravan is not cheap. Hiclone will give you better fuel Combustion (up to 24%) more power (up to 15%) and a 120 day unconditional 100% money back guarantee. 04 3863 9594 Our fuel […]

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February 2, 2016
Grey Nomad, can you afford to be a one? Hiclone gives you Power & Fuel Economy

     Grey Nomads: Can you afford to Tow a Caravan? Fuel prices in the bush much higher than the city. Fuel efficient vehicles are easy using Hiclone Fuel Saver. 04 3863 9594 Hiclone gives you more power/torque, better fuel efficiency and because of the better burn they are environmentally friendly, petrol, diesel or Tdi, old […]

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February 1, 2016
Why Fuel Prices Vary between city and regional areas

Why fuel prices vary between city and regional areas. Hiclone: Australia's No1 fuel saver will save you money no matter where you live. 04 3863 9594 Use our fuel efficiency calculator to see what your getting from your fuel, it may surprise you. Fuel prices vary greatly between city and country towns, also areas due […]

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January 28, 2016
Fuel Prices on Commodore, VR, VS, VT, VX, VY, VZ reduced with Hiclone.

Holden Commodore - More power & better fuel economy. Increase combustion with Hiclone fuel saver. Hiclone, 34 years world-wide sales, you've nothing to lose and a lot to gain.   Petrol consumption reduced or your money back. 04 3863 9594 Try our online fuel consumption Calculator to check your fuel usage.  

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January 26, 2016
Rodeo RA, Litres per 100KM helped using Hiclone for power/torque & fuel economy

  Rodeo RA, litres per 100km helped using Hiclone Fuel saver power & fuel economy or your money back.  04 3863 9594 Try our fuel combustion cost Calculator to see what your getting from your fuel, it may surprise you. Rodeo's no matter what year, petrol or diesel you will get better fuel combustion with […]

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January 25, 2016
Fuel prices, car petrol costs, litres per-100KM, fuel costs

Fuel prices, car petrol costs, litres per 100km, fuel costs, sometimes it's all you hear. Hiclone: Australia's No1 fuel saver will save you money. We’re here to help you save $$ on your car expenses, petrol, diesel & LPG. No matter if its old or new, car, 4×4, truck or bike we have a fuel […]

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Would you like to have more power, lower fuel costs, less emission and an extended engine life?
04 3863 9594

Fuel Economy Calculator

International Awards

  • Silver Award
    International Exhibition of Ideas & Invention and New Products, Germany 1993.
  • Silver Award
    International Invention Exhibition USA 1992.
  • Bronze Award
    20th International Exhibition of Invention & New Techniques & Products Switzerland 1992.
  • Academic Prize
    Inventions Festival Bulgaria 1991

Contact Details

8 Starckie Trail, Smithfield, 4878
04 3863 9594
8 Starckie Trail, Smithfield, 4878
04 3863 9594