Landcruiser 1HZ Troopy 80 series, to be fitted with 2 or 3 Hiclones to decreased fuel consumption, more power/torque and a 120-day unconditional money back guarantee.
Hiclones tested by the Australian 4X4 magazine on a 1HZ Landcruiser, with one Hiclone fitted they achieved 17% better fuel economy, two units gave it 24%, we get similar results with petrol, Tdi and LPG.
Diesel: Installing a Hiclone into the inlet manifold or the pipe just before it will give you 5-15% increase in power & between 10-20% better fuel economy, placing a 2nd unit at the air filter end will give you 30-50% more than one unit.
Diesel / Tdi: Installing Hiclone just before the inlet manifold will give you between 5-15% increase in power & 10-20% better fuel economy, if you have 100mm or more between the inlet and inter-cooler you can place a 2nd just after the inter-cooler this will give you 30-50% more than one unit, installing one at the filter end of the induction pipe pre-turbo will assist the turbo, bringing it on up to 600 rpm earlier, this eases the load on the engine that helps your fuel economy.
Placing a Hiclone 5-30cm back from the throttle body will give you 5-15% increase in power and between 10-20% better fuel economy, a 2nd unit at the filter end will give you 30-50% more than one Hiclone.
This is how Hiclone works: Hiclone has a series of fins, as the air is being sucked or forced through these fins it makes the air spin, the device doesn't move, it makes the air move, by spinning the air you'll get a better mixture between the air and fuel, this better mixture will dramatically increase the amount of fuel burnt in the combustion chamber giving you much more power from the fuel.
Improve your Landcruiser 1HZ Troopy Fuel Economy by using Hiclone and our other products. They’re an environmentally friendly solution for more power and economy.
All Landcruisers need more power from the fuel and this is what Hiclone is all about, if we give you more power you'll get better fuel economy as you don't have to put your foot down so much hence better economy. Let's say you need 2500 RPM to sit on 100 Kph, if you get more power then sitting on 100 Kph may only need 2200 RPM which is saving you money as your foot isn't pushing down the accelerator pedal so much.
Hiclones better burn effects will also, de-coke the engine, as the mileage builds up so do the carbon deposits in the combustion chamber, these deposits rob you of power so slowly through the years you have to put your foot down a little more to get the power on to get up that hill.
By removing these deposits, it will bring back a lot of the lost power so again less use of your right foot, as an added bonus because of the better burn you'll find you get cleaner oil for longer and there's also less pollution because of the better burn.
Snorkel: If you have a snorkel placing a Hiclone into the top of the down pipe will surprise you with extra power and economy, this is because the spinning air creates a vortex that wants to and does suck more air in, it wont carry on spinning past the filter but the engine will breathe much easier.
Hiclones are made from laser cut, high pressure spot welded stainless steel, each unit is handmade with "no moving parts" this means that it is also maintenance free, just fit and forget. Hiclone is easy to install and can be fitted to most vehicles, including; trucks, cars and 4x4's, stationary motors and motor bikes.
As we get a 98% success rate we're not complaining about the 2% that return, no one gets 100% of anything, that's why a 120 day (4 months) unconditional money back guarantee is given, all we want is for you to give it a fair go, if your not happy with the results give me a call and send them back. You've nothing to lose and a lot to gain by giving them a go.
K&N Air Filters: We also market K&N filters (for over 18 years), by using an oiled pleated cotton gauze as the filtering medium they allow up to 50% more air flow than the standard paper filters, the easier your engine can breathe the better it performs and gives you greater fuel economy. Coupled with the Hiclones vortex effect they work very well together, also you'll never buy another filter as they are washable and give you a 1.000.000 Mile warranty.
K&N replacement air filter are designed to improve a vehicle performance, provide excellent engine protection and last the life of your vehicle. K&N air filters are very easy to install.
Landcruiser 1HZ: 4X4 magazine (Australia) conducted an independent test on a 80 series, 1HZ diesel. Without Hiclone the fuel usage was 13.15L/100km. Installing one Hiclone increased the economy by 17% to 10.91L/100km with two Hiclones the economy increased by 23.5% to 10.05L/100km.
If you'd like more information, please call me on 04 3863 9594.
John Riley -
Hiclone have been in Australia for over 33 years with over 6.000.000 sold world-wide, something must be working.
Safe and happy motoring, no matter what you drive.
Hiclone fuel saver will improve your fuel economy and reduce your fuel costs. Your litres per 100km can be helped. petrol, Tdi, diesel and LPG or your money back.
Reduce your Diesel consumption
**Please call 04 3863 9594 for more information or to order. Thank you. John Riley
If you want to help yourself to better fuel economy and help the environment this is the product for you. Hiclone creates a better burn, hence more power, much better fuel economy and less pollution.