Why fuel prices vary between city and regional areas.

Hiclone: Australia's No1 fuel saver will save you money no matter where you live.

04 3863 9594

Use our fuel efficiency calculator to see what your getting from your fuel, it may surprise you.

Fuel prices vary greatly between city and country towns, also areas due to competition and economic characteristics. Retail fuel prices and margins in regional areas are typically higher compared with major capital cities. This is due to: Lower volumes and convenience store sales over which to recover service station operating costs.

Fuel Prices helped, reduce car petrol costs.

Petrol prices up, Diesel prices up, economy down. Hiclone fuel saver will improve your fuel economy and reduce your vehicle fuel costs. Your litres per 100KM can be helped. Petrol, diesel Tdi & LPG or your money back.

Regional service stations may typically see only 1x tanker every couple of weeks versus 1x tanker per day at some city sites. The average customer base per service station is around 2,000 people in country areas (and well below in many towns) whereas city sites have a customer base of around 4,000 to 5,000.



Rodeo RA, litres per 100km helped using Hiclone Fuel saver power & fuel economy or your money back. 

04 3863 9594

Try our fuel combustion cost Calculator
to see what your getting from your fuel, it may surprise you.

Rodeo's no matter what year, petrol or diesel you will get better fuel combustion with our products.



Hiclone petrol saver review - should I fit a Hiclone to save fuel - YES



"99.9% of Power boosting Devices Do Not Work", that's what John Eggers wrote (John Eggers Autos) Member M.A.T.Q


This is what he had to say:


Improve Landcruiser fuel economy, petrol, diesel, Tdi.


Install Hiclone for more power & fuel efficiency this helps our climate & environment.


Landcruiser owners of 1HZ 4.2lt Diesel 80 series and 4.5lt Petrol are installing Hiclone between the air filter and the inlet manifold also at the top of the snorkel for greatly improved power and fuel economy.


Free postage Australia wide.


04 3863 9594


More Hiclones have been sold to Toyota Landcruisers than any other 4WD.


15.08.19: After fitting Hiclone to my HZJ75 my fuel economy went from 550per tank to 720 avg km.

Very happy.



Use our fuel consumption Calculator
to see what your getting from your fuel, it may surprise you.


8 Starckie Trail, Smithfield, 4878
04 3863 9594