A few decades back before the internet gave us news from around the world instantly, you would not hear of a mud slide in South America or a bridge collapse in Europe until many hours/day or weeks later.
Now we hear everything from a lost cat in the UK or washing blown of the line in Africa within seconds of it happening! Do I really need to know that, sometimes it's hard not to.
But if your chasing a little more power and better fuel economy we have the answer for you now, no need to wait.
Install Hiclone into the air induction pipe of your engine and you'll pick up 5-15% increase in power and between 10-20% better fuel economy, and as most vehicles can install 2, 3 or even 4 units you can pick up even more.
This is how Hiclone works. By spinning the air you get an improved mixture between the air and fuel, this gives you a better combustion, hence more power and fuel economy as you don't need to use your right foot so much.
More Proof:
Looking for more proof then check out our letters page, Hiclones tested in the Australian 4X4 & 4WD magazine, a 1996 1HZ diesel Landcruiser with one Hiclone fitted got 17% better fuel economy, two units gave it 24% and we get similar results with petrol or LPG.
Here are a couple of examples.
Landrover V8 Discovery: "Fuel economy facts (before/after) City 15mpg/17mpg = 13.5% improvement (peak hour traffic. stop start mainly 1 person up) Country 19.45mpg/22.1mpg = 14% improvement (110kph highway and some city cycle, 5 persons in total for entire trip)
I am very happy with these figures.
Follow Up: Well I think my 30 days might be up and no I have no interest in sending back the Hiclone. It really does work. I have referred a couple of people to you direct so good luck"
Harry L.
Landcruiser 2005 4.7 V8 Auto (lightly loaded): "Amazingly, even after the traffic delays, heavier traffic flow, and the extra 30KM on this trip I was able to complete the whole trip using only the main tank, but the astounding thing was that the main tank was only three quarters empty. Considering the circumstances I saved somewhere between 25% - 30% on fuel.
Now I know why you offer a 100% money back guarantee on the Hiclone units...They work! Please feel free to use my testimonial for others to benefit from the Hiclone".
Richard F.
Trusting this is of some help, for more information please call me on 04 3863 9594.
Thanks for you time.
John Riley - hiclonehq@bigpond.com
Try our fuel consumption calculator to see what your getting, it may surprise you.
No matter what you drive have a safe and happy trip.
Buy now for better fuel combustion, to suit most vehicles, Petrol. Diesel, Tdi or LPG
Please call 04 3863 9594 for more information or to order.
Thank you.
John Riley